Bleached Primitive Scottish Linen - 64 Inches Wide Yard - Rug Hooking and Proddy

Bleached Primitive Scottish Linen - 64 Inches Wide Yard - Rug Hooking and Proddy
Item# PrimLinen
Regular price: $49.95
Sale price: $47.95, 2/$94.95, 3/$139.95

About This Item

This is the good stuff, the finest hairless white bleached linen foundation material available. Excellent for both rug hooking and proddy rugs, it is woven in Scotland. It has even holes and a thread count of 12 per inch for use with wool strips in 5 cut and above.

Use the best! Treat your new hooked rug or proddy rug project like the heirloom it will become by using this high quality backing product.