Bee Line Townsend Cutter with TWO Long Blade Cassettes and Caddy - Free Continental US Shipping!

Bee Line Townsend Cutter with TWO Long Blade Cassettes and Caddy - Free Continental US Shipping!
Item# BLTcutter2lblade
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About This Item

The fantastic Townsend cutters are now available from the Bee Line Company! You will love the ease of the drop-in cartridge blades available in both short and long blade sizes. The long blades cut more strips than the short blades and you will find the strip amounts listed with each blade size.

Same high quality and warranty as the original, these 'new' cutters and blades will match any existing original cutters and blades. Choose your cartridge blade sizes above. Cutter includes a hard plastic 'Cutter Caddy' carrier for storage and travel, complete with tool kit and both short and long plate sets.