Rug Hooking Magazine March/April/May 2020 - Free US Shipping

About This Item
Volume XXXI, Number 5
March/April/May 2020
On the Cover:
Red Sky at Morning, hooked by Nancy Samuels.
This issue is chock full of information and projects. You can take a mini–workshop from Ellen Banker as she shows us how to make hooked speech bubbles. Perhaps you are intrigued by how to depict light in a hooked rug—Sibyl Osicka can help you with that. Do you have spare bedsheets around the house? Consider turning them into a rug as a way of upcycling them. Create a bird nest, hook a family heirloom, and learn how to dye for a sepia rug. You will find all that and more in these pages. Perfect spring projects for all of us!
Do Something Amazing
Create a speech bubble
by Ellen Banker
A Journey of 40 Years
Creating pattern repeats for rug hooking design
by Maddy Fraioli
May I Have the Envelope, Please!
Readers' Choice Celebration 29
by Staff of RHM
Rug Hooking in the Chosen Spot
Inspired by our home
by Norma Press
The Theft of Comedy
Light—an explosion of color, value, and mystery
by Sibyl Osicka
You Hook Rugs with Bedsheets?
Why not? In the grand tradition of rug hooking, use what you have
by Laura Salamy
From Photography to Hooked Art
Is that a photograph? Or is it hooked?
by Janet Conner
A Rug Hooking Exclusive: Pretty Bird
by Judy Taylor/Little House Rugs
Blast from the Past: Hooked Heirlooms
by Janet Carija Brandt
Readers' Gallery: The Tree of Life that Lives On
by Robert Jarrell
Artful Color: Themes and Schemes
by Wanda Kerr
Beyond Our Borders: The Charm of Birds' Nests
by Gwen Dixon
Canadian Connection: Butterfly Bench
by Kelly Laaper
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Happy Butterfly—for beginning punchers
by Christie Beniston
First Rug on the Last Page
by Karen Kasprowicz